End-To-End Service and Support
Tecfor’s streamlined operation ensures effective pricing. Clients can receive ongoing progress reports, consultations, and recommendations and can be continually provided with updated operational solutions.
Tecfor has developed associations and alliances with numerous other solutions-oriented professional firms dedicated to the same sound business principles. Our staff and associated professional firms are all valued practitioners with expertise in forest and resource management issues. These resource professionals include professional foresters, biologists, geoscientists, archaeologists; accredited timber cruisers and forest technicians; and experienced administrative support staff. Our clients have direct access to key personnel.
Success Stories: Between April 2004 and March 2005, Tecfor made the switch to electronic submissions to government for appraisals, cutting permits, and silviculture and can offer this as part of our full service to clients.
Key Services Areas
The multi-faceted composition of contemporary forest management requires progressive technical expertise and administration. Tecfor can provide this expertise for small and medium-sized companies. Working in conjunction with your existing team, Tecfor provides comprehensive support with the following services:
- Forest development plans
- Forest stewardship plans
- Timber volume analysis & modelling
- Forestry technologies
- GIS mapping services
- Forest management
- Forestry risk assessments
- Forest feasibility studies
- Quality control systems in the forest
- Certification development
- Financial costing and analysis
- Management constraints analysis
- Cutblock and road layout
- Operational maps
- Site plan field work and prescriptions
- Timber cruising & compilation
- Helicopter logging
- Visual impact assessments
- Terrain stability assessments
- Riparian assessments
- Archaeological impact assessments
- Watershed assessments & restoration
- Fish and wildlife habitat assessments